Potty-Mouthed Buttigieg Has Hissy Fit Over East Palestine Critics: “You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”


Biden Transportation Secretary Pete “I’m Taking Some Personal Time” Buttigieg, in an interview with CNN published Sunday, lashed out critics of his handling of the toxic train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio last month, swearing and accusing them of being out of touch East Coast elites as he defended wearing designer dress boots to tour the derailment scene.

Buttigieg in East Palestine, Ohio, February 23, 2023, pool photo.

Buttigieg singled out President Trump and Fox News Channel prime time host Tucker Carlson in his hissy fit interview with CNN, even swearing at one point (excerpt):

“It’s really rich to see some of these folks – the former president, these Fox hosts – who are literally lifelong card-carrying members of the East Coast elite, whose top economic policy priority has always been tax cuts for the wealthy, and who wouldn’t know their way around a T.J. Maxx if their life depended on it, to be presenting themselves as if they genuinely care about the forgotten middle of the country,” the Transportation Secretary said. “You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?”

…The secretary visited East Palestine a day after former President Donald Trump went to the town, calling out President Joe Biden for not having made his own visit and slamming the administration’s response.

Trump’s visit, Buttigieg said, was “somewhat maddening – to see someone who did a lot try to gut not just rail safety regulations, but the EPA, which is the number one thing standing between that community and a total loss of accountability for Norfolk Southern and then show up giving out bottled water and campaign swag?”

…As for any suggestion from Trump or supporters that the former president’s trip to East Palestine pressured him to go: “That’s bull—-,” Buttigieg said. “We were already going to go.”

These boots are made for stomping. Buttigieg got emotional when his choice of footwear for his visit to East Palestine was mentioned:

The attention to the boots Buttigieg wore when he visited a day later, he said, was also “maddening.”

His voice got tighter.

“Who cares what shoes I was wearing, when I was there to draw attention to an agenda that will save lives on our railroads?” Buttigieg said.

During his trip to East Palestine, Trump bought meals for police and firemen at the local McDonald’s, telling the cashier, ““Do I know this menu better than you do? Probably know it better than anybody in here.”

Carlson called for Buttigieg to be fired last month.

CNN noted the Biden administration is standing by their man:

“Buttigieg doesn’t have to worry about getting fired – “whether it’s sickening attacks on his family or disrespecting a community’s pain with failed attempts at exploitation as a political prop, nothing saps credibility like following debunked smears with even more debunked smears,” said White House spokesman Andrew Bates.”

Buttigieg’s husband Chasten Buttigieg, defended Secretary Pete by attacking Tucker Carlson last month over a 1991 college yearbook caption that resurfaced in April 2021.

Carlson has not denied the yearbook caption, but downplayed it when it was about to be reported.

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