Protesters at Drag Queen Christmas in St Louis Face Off with Bussed-In Counter Protesters (VIDEO)


A Drag Queen Christmas Protest

On Wednesday, December 21, 2022, an ‘All Ages Welcome’ Christmas themed drag show called “A Drag Queen Christmas” came to The Factory in Chesterfield, Missouri. Days prior on December 19th, Missouri state senator, Bill Eigel, sent a letter to the city’s mayor, Mayor Nation, informing him of the violation of the local ordinance, state law as well as federal laws that are in place to protect children from obscene materials and performances.

In a Facebook post by Senator Eigel, he stated, “Today I was made aware that a nationally run “Drag Queen Christmas Show” would be made available to children of all ages in Chesterfield, Missouri on Wednesday, December 21st. Exposing minors to this highly sexualized performance is a CRIMINAL act.”. He encouraged citizens to join in on a protest on the night of the event, “There will be a protest of concerned citizens gathering at 6:30 near the venue, prior to the performance, denouncing this attack on Missouri values and in defense of children who are potentially being harmed by this content.”.

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Per Chesterfield City Code 210.1700, 210.1690 and 210.1680, it is unlawful to depict human genitalia or sexual nudity in general, simulated sexual or even depictions of human sexual arousal, in printed material or in a performance. This aligns with the protections for minors in Missouri State Statute 573.010 as well as federal law.

The ‘All Ages’ show “A Drag Queen Christmas”, which is currently touring the country, features acts such as “Tits in a Box” and characters named “Screwdolf the Red Nipple Reindeer”, and as seen in the images included in this article, all of this appears to violate the city ordinance, state and federal law. The Gateway Pundit reported on this show when it was in Texas back in mid-December.

Independent Journalist Exposes Disturbing and Blatantly Sexual “All Ages” Drag Queen Christmas Show in Texas (Explicit Photos)

The day after Senator Eigel sent his letter to Mayor Nation, news broke that the venue, The Factory, restricted the age for attendance to only allow those over the age of 18 into the show. It was unclear how or if this would be enforced, or if it was just to try to pacify those in opposition to the ‘All Ages’ drag show. In a Facebook post from Senator Eigel, he thanked the concerned citizens who spoke out against this show, “A little public pressure can go a long way. Thankfully, sanity prevailed and age restrictions have been placed on this event. Exposing kids to this type of sexualized performance is a crime—in many cases a felony in Missouri. I’m thankful for every concerned Missourian who has helped bring pressure to the venue and the City of Chesterfield encouraging them to adopt age restrictions. We shall see very soon if the venue, The Factory, enforces these standards before the show begins. Let’s Go Missouri.”.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this previously:

Missouri Defeats ALL AGES Drag Show – How the St. Louis Area Protected Children from Obscene, Adult Content

Senator Eigel is considered a conservative champion in the grassroots movement in Missouri, and he intends to run for Governor in 2024. Visit his website Lets Go Mo for more information.

In a statement to KMOV, Mayor Nation stated, “We specifically in the City of Chesterfield have ordinances. Protecting minors and not allow minors to be exposed to certain types of entertainment of a sexual orientation etc.,”. Regarding the age restriction to 18+, he went on to say, “This in no way is meant to infringe on their rights and what they consider enjoyment entertainment. If it were up to me, I would rather it not occur. I mean that in no disrespectful manner.”.

Even though there were age restrictions placed on the show in the eleventh hour, the protest went on as scheduled on Wednesday evening, in part to prevent minors from being brought in despite the age restrictions and to show that the citizens of Missouri stand for the protection of children and their innocence. Local radio show hosts, Jane The Patriot and Kristen from ‘The Patriot Mama Bears Show’ attended the protest and live-streamed throughout the night.

Protestors were unopposed for quite some time at the beginning of the evening, until what appeared to be a ‘bus load’ of counter protestors showed up seemingly out of nowhere to antagonize and disrupt.  One protestor who goes by Johnny Utah on Twitter, stood in front of the counter protestors singing “Down to the River to Pray”, was mobbed by counter protestors with megaphones. The officers attempted to move the man away from the counter protestors, but he allegedly resisted, resulting in his detainment as the crowd of counter protestors cheered and called him a “right-winger bigot” and a “homophobe”.

To sum up the sentiment from the counter-protestors throughout the evening, apparently being against the sexualization of children is bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, hateful and evil. Who would have known??? (sarcasm implied)

In the spirit of comedic relief and in the face of absolute insanity from the counter protestors, The Patriot Mama Bears hilariously ‘trolled’ the counter protestors as they documented the evening.

Below is their highlights video from the protests in St. Louis.

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