Rep. Jamie Raskin Obliterates Peter Navarro And Boldly Defends Democracy


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) spoke for a nation as he obliterated coup plotter Peter Navarro.


Rep. Raskin mentioned on the 1/6 Committee’s vote on charging Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino with felony contempt:

Please spare us the nonsense speak about govt privilege rejected now by each courtroom that has checked out it. That is America. There isn’t any govt privilege right here for presidents a lot much less commerce advisors to plot coups and set up insurrections towards the individuals’s authorities and the individuals’s structure after which to cowl up the proof of their crimes.

The courts usually are not shopping for it and neither are we. He insists on including solely insult to contempt greater than a 12 months after Biden beat Trump by greater than 7 million votes and Peter Navarro continues to unfold the large lie that trump gained and he mentioned “Past any shadow of a doubt, this election was stolen.”.

He brags about his work with Steve Bannon to use stress to vp Pence to do the fallacious factor and he tells the entire story in his e book, in Trump Time, and in his three-part report which was made up of titles like the stainless deception and the artwork of the metal of how they tried to get vp Pence to desert his constitutional duties and compelled the competition right into a contingent presidential election below the twelfth Modification below the Home of Representatives.

He goes on Steve and it’s — Bannon’s podcast. A 12 months after the election was over, if they need an — revolt and so they hold pushing it they may push the American individuals over the sting. 

The American individuals opposed the January 6 revolt, and the American individuals oppose future insurrections and coups towards our authorities. We’re combating to defend the establishments and values of democracy at residence towards coup plotters and insurrectionists, and we assist different democracies world wide below siege by autocrats and kleptocrats. We’re on the aspect of the individuals of Ukraine and towards Vladimir Putin who isn’t a genius however a mass assassin and we stand sturdy on the aspect of democracy, freedom, the structure, and the rule of regulation towards individuals who smashed our law enforcement officials within the face with accomplice battle flags and tried to cancel out the outcomes of our presidential election. 

These two males are in contempt of Congress, and we should combat them each for his or her brazen disregard of their duties and for our legal guidelines and establishments.

Navarro is bragging about his crimes. The Trump coup plotters aren’t displaying regret. They’re siding with Putin and letting the nation know that in the event that they get one other likelihood, they plan on attempting to destroy democracy once more.

There’s something larger at stake within the 1/6 investigation than attending to the reality.

The 1/6 investigation can be about defending democracy and people accountable who want to destroy it.

Rep. Raskin spoke for the overwhelming majority of the nation as he made it clear that the 1/6 Committee is defending democracy.

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