Republican House Candidate Claims He Needs An AR-15 To Protect Himself From Democrats In The Klan


Republican Home candidate Jerone Davison of Arizona launched a brand new advert claiming that he wanted an AR-15 to defend himself in case he was attacked by Democrats in Klan hoods.

The advert:

Davison says, “When this rifle is the one factor standing between your loved ones and a dozen indignant Democrats in Klan hoods, you simply may have that semi-automatic.”

Somebody most likely wants to inform Davison that the folks within the Klan hoods coming for his household received’t be Democrats, however white individuals who almost certainly voted for Donald Trump.

The rationale why Davison was capable of launch this advert with out being laughed at by all is that Fox Information and conservative media have spent a long time attempting to persuade their viewers that Democrats are the actual racists.

Their “proof” is all the time that segregationists have been white Democrats within the South. Fox and different conservative media all the time pass over the remainder of the historical past the place these voters flipped to the Republican Celebration after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and Richard Nixon courted them with racism in 1968.

For many years white supremacists and racists have been aligned with the correct.

The fitting has warped and rewritten historical past to such a level that an African-American Home candidate can run an advert that’s so fully distorted and but will probably be met with reward and nods of approval from Republicans.

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