REVIVAL STILL HAPPENING: Thousands Wait In Line To Get Inside Asbury University Chapel Service


Last week The Gateway Pundit reported that a revival broke out at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.

The revival started on February 8th when a group of students didn’t leave their normal Wednesday chapel service but instead stayed after the service and spent time repenting and praising God.

Now after 11 days, the chapel service is still going with no signs of slowing down.

The revival has attracted thousands of people all across the world and the auditorium where the revival services are being held are completely filled which has led to thousands of people waiting in line for hours to attend services.


God’s presence has even led to some people to get on their knees to repent and praise God while they are waiting in line.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson was going to take his crew to Wilmore, Kentucky to report on the events there but faculty at Asbury told the Fox News host although they like his show they said it’s best if he doesn’t come with TV cameras  because the revival that is happening is purely spiritual and not political.

Carlson was not upset about Asbury University’s decision but rather stated he “deeply respected” the decision.

Here’s Tucker’s segment:

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