Roger Stone Blows A Gasket And Says Jared Kushner Has An IQ Of 70 And Ivanka Trump Is An Abortionist B*tch


Newly released documentary footage shows Roger Stone losing it and calling  Ivanka Trump an abortionist b*tch after her dad refused to give him another pardon.

Video of Stone:

Stone says in the clip, “Jared Kushner has an IQ of 70. He’s coming to Miami. We will eject him from Miami very quickly. He will be leaving very quickly, very quickly. He has a hundred security guards. I’ll have 5,000 security guards. You want to fight? Let’s fight. F–k you. F–k you, and your abortionist b*tch daughter.”

The January 6th attack, Trump’s coup plot, and narcissism that fueled the decision-making process of people who were committing crimes to have documentary filmmaking crews following them around have provided an inside look at how Trump and the people around him operate.

Roger Stone was upset because Donald Trump refused to give him a second pardon, ostensibly to cover his activities in the 1/6 attack.

Stone is probably headed back to prison, where he belongs. The long-time Trump adviser was the middle man for the Trump campaign and Russia and performed the same function for Trump with the militias on 1/6.

Donald Trump has no friends or allies. The failed former president only has fellow criminals like Roger Stone, who are only interested in themselves.

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