Ron Johnson Is Now Losing Senate Race To Mandela Barnes


A brand new ballot reveals Democratic Senate candidate Mandela Barnes main Sen.  Ron Johnson (R) 51%-44%.

The Marquette College Legislation College ballot discovered:

What has occurred within the nation because the June ballot?

The Supreme Courtroom overturned Roe. Gasoline costs have fallen, inflation is declining, and Ron Johnson opposed the Inflation Discount Act.

Independents have deserted Johnson:

The outcomes are pretty static relying on completely different turnout fashions:

Ron Johnson is an incumbent senator in a purple state who has by no means been widespread. Johnson’s current approval rating is 36%

Sen. Johnson has been out of step with the vast majority of Wisconsin voters for years. He’s a COVID vaccine denier, Russian propaganda pushing Trump loyalist. Johnson just lately stated that he had no issues about Trump stealing classified documents because Mar-a-Lago is secure.

If John Fetterman wins in Pennsylvania and Ron Johnson loses in Wisconsin, the midterm election can have been a catastrophe for Republicans.

Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan is leading JD Vance in Ohio as the situation in the Senate continues to worsen for the GOP.

If Ron Johnson loses in Wisconsin, Republicans can have no probability of taking again the Senate. The midterm election seems to be even, however the momentum is trending blue, and a late blue wave might show the pundits and traditional knowledge unsuitable in November.

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