Russia Files for UN Nord Stream Inquiry – EU Will Neither Confirm Nor Deny “Speculations”


The UN Security Council will vote on a resolution on the Nord Stream explosion this week, Feb. 22-24, Russian UN rep Dmitry Polyansky said on Saturday. Russian UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzya called the current Nord Stream investigation “an imitation of an investigation.”

“We requested a Security Council meeting on the Nord Stream explosions. The exact date has not been confirmed yet but voting on our draft resolution on the matter will be held between Wednesday and Friday,” he wrote on Telegram.

The five permanent members of the Security Council, WW II allies China, France, Russia, the UK and the USA, each have veto power, so the Russian resolution as it stands is largely symbolic.

Russian UN ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told Rossiya 1 TV channel that what is currently “going on there is, of course, not an investigation, but an imitation of one. We will urge the relevant UN structures to handle this.”

The UN could create a committee to investigate Nord Stream explosion, Nebenzya said, and “has established numerous channels for conducting specific inquiries” in the past. “As you are aware, processes are put in place when appropriate, whether in Syria or elsewhere,” Nebenzya said.

The EU Commission refused to confirm or deny investigative reporter Seymour Hersh’s bombshell Nord Stream exposé, which charged the Biden Regime and CIA are reponsible.

“We do not comment on speculations about the perpetrators of the sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines”, the European Commission told TASS. “The only basis for any possible response can be the outcome of an official investigation. Such investigations are the responsibility of the competent authorities of the Member States concerned. And they are still ongoing. So far, it has only been established that the pipelines were destroyed by a deliberate act of sabotage.”

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