Russia Offers Free Sperm Banks to Troops in Ukraine


For Russian troops who may be maimed or killed in fighting in Ukraine, the Russian government is offering free access to sperm cryobanks.

Igor Trunov, president of the Russian Union of Lawyers, revealed plans for the Russian Health Ministry to allow Special Military Operations (SVO) troops the opportunity to freeze their sperm.

TASS reports:

Families called up for military service as part of partial mobilization will receive a free quota for infertility treatment and storage of biomaterial in a cryobank, Igor Trunov, president of the Russian Union of Lawyers public organization, told TASS on Wednesday.

“We received a response to my appeal to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the creation of a free cryobank of genetic material and changes in the compulsory medical insurance system for obtaining a free quota for infertility treatment for citizens of the Russian Federation participating in SVO” we received a response. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determined the possibility of financial support from the federal of the budget for the free conservation and storage of germ cells (spermatozoa) for citizens mobilized to participate in SVO for 2022-2024. The subsequent free use of preserved genetic material for assisted reproductive technologies is regulated by law if there are indications within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, “said he.

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According to the lawyer, at present, his organization plans to apply in the interests of several couples whose husbands are called to the SVO for mobilization, for the provision of medical assistance for free cryopreservation of genetic material. (Translation via Google Translate)

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