Russian Spy Ship Identified Off the Coast of Hawaii


A Russian spy ship has been identified off the coast of Hawaii. 

The Coast Guard announced Wednesday that it has been tracking what it believes is a Russian intelligence-gathering ship over “recent weeks ” off the coast of the Hawaiian Islands and released video of the ship refueling at sea with another Russian vessel.

The US Coast Guard released a message with the following:

While foreign military vessels may transit freely through the U.S. economic exclusive zone (EEZ), as per customary international laws, foreign-flagged military vessels have often been observed operating and loitering within Coast Guard District Fourteen’s area of response.

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The Coast Guard continues to coordinate with Department of Defense partners, providing updates to foreign vessel movements and activities and to appropriately meet presence with presence to encourage international maritime norms.

“The U.S. Coast Guard is currently monitoring the Russian vessel operating in the vicinity of Hawaii,” said Cmdr. Dave Milne, chief of External Affairs. “As part of our daily operations, we track all vessels in the Pacific area through surface and air assets and joint agency capabilities.
The Coast Guard operates in accordance with international laws of the sea to ensure all nations can do the same without fear or contest. This is especially critical to secure freedom of movement and navigation throughout the Blue Pacific.”

ABC7 Chicago shared this story earlier this week.

It’s unknown what the Russian ship is focused on in its apparent spying efforts.

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