San Francisco Board Expresses ‘Unanimous’ Support For Racist $5 Million Reparations Payments


San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors has reportedly expressed “unanimous” support for a race-based reparations plan that includes $5 million payments for every eligible Black resident.

This, despite the fact that critics have labeled the plan financially impossible and San Francisco’s chair of the African American Reparations Advisory Committee admitted they didn’t use math or financial calculations to arrive at their numbers.

The reparations wish list is just that— a wish list with no basis in reality.

Aside from the proposed $5 million lump sum payments, the committee has also advised in favor of a guaranteed annual income of $97,000 for 250 years and homes “for just $1 a family.”

They also suggest wiping out all personal debt for those who qualify.

RELATED: Critical Race Professor Demands Black Educators Get ‘Bereavement Leave’ to Cope With Racism

San Francisco Reparations Plan Has ‘Unanimous’ Support

Despite the reparations plan being a clearly racist policy in and of itself, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors seems to be on board with the proposals.

The board expressed “unanimous” support for reparations during Tuesday’s meeting to discuss the outrageous payments.

“Board members – some of whom had, in the weeks leading up to the meeting, expressed skepticism – were unanimously supportive of the plan,” reports the Daily Mail.

The Board appears to be under the misguided belief that the only solution to past racism is to promote future racism.

“It’s not something we’re doing or we would do for other people,” says Supervisor Rafael Mandelman.

Among the criteria necessary to qualify for the proposed program, residents must be at least 18 years of age and must have “identified as ‘Black/African American’ on public documents for at least 10 years.”

No word on if Rachel Dolezal plans to move to San Francisco.

RELATED: Biden To Direct $100 Billion To ‘Disadvantaged’ Businesses To Help Close ‘Racial Wealth Gap’

Americans Oppose Reparations

As if it weren’t readily obvious to everyone with a functioning mind, Eric McDonnell, chair of the African American Reparations Advisory Committee, admitted they basically pulled the economic numbers out of thin air.

“There wasn’t a math formula,” he told The Washington Post.

“It was a journey for the committee towards what could represent a significant enough investment in families to put them on this path to economic well-being, growth and vitality that chattel slavery and all the policies that flowed from it destroyed.”

Furthering the idiocy behind the plan, the draft reparations proposal notes that “neither San Francisco, nor California, formally adopted the institution of chattel slavery.”

But fear not, they cite “white supremacy” and “systematic repression” as justification for mass reparations.

White supremacy is a relic of the past overblown by the media as a scourge in America today, while no black residents of San Francisco or America, in general, has ever been a victim of slavery.

But here’s a lottery ticket to make you feel better about something over 100 years in the past!

The board will decide on whether or not to adopt the recommendations once the committee which put forward the draft plan has submitted a final report in June.

Americans view the prospect of reparations mostly negatively, with nearly 70% in a Pew Research Center poll indicating descendants of slaves should not be paid money.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in 2019 said, “I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, for whom none of us currently living are responsible, is a good idea.”

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), at a House hearing to address reparations that same year, obliterated Democrats for pushing the idea.

“I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found out the misery that that party brought to my race,” Owens, who is black, revealed. 

“Let’s pay restitution,” he continued. “How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race.”

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