Second Amendment Champion Mark Robinson Expected to Announce Run for Governor of North Carolina


Mark Robinson, the Republican Lt. Governor of North Carolina, is expected to announce a run for governor of the state in April.

You may remember Robinson from his viral ‘I am the majority!’ speech in 2018.

Robinson is an unapologetic conservative. He is one of the best things to happen to the GOP in years.

The Washington Examiner reports:

North Carolina’s Mark Robinson expected to announce gubernatorial campaign in April

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson (R-NC) is widely expected to announce a campaign for governor next month, boosting Republican hopes of recapturing North Carolina’s governor mansion.

Robinson’s team teased a “major rally and announcement” on April 22 located at Alamance County’s Ace Speedway, which emerged as a key flashpoint during the pandemic for permitting races without social distancing or masks in May 2020. The event is expected to serve as his campaign launch.

Having been seen as a rising star in the Old North State, Robinson has long dropped hints of his intentions to vie for governor. Incumbent Gov. Roy Cooper (D-NC) is term-limited and therefore cannot run for reelection.

Should he run and win, Robinson will become the first black governor in the state’s history. His political ambitions caught fire after a video of testimony he gave about firearms went viral in 2018, a year before he announced his lieutenant governor campaign. At the time of the viral testimony, Robinson was a factory worker.

Robinson is a gifted speaker. In this clip, he rails against the Biden administration, Antifa and BLM:

Here he is speaking at an NRA conference in 2018. Be sure to watch this to the end!

Mark Robinson would make a great governor for North Carolina.

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