Senate Democrats Open Investigation Into Allegations Trump Pressured DOJ to Probe His Political Opponents


Joe Biden’s jackbooted thugs within the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, however the Senate Democrats are investigating whether or not Trump pressured his DOJ to research his political opponents.

The investigation was launched primarily based on claims from former US Legal professional Geoffrey Berman – a disgruntled political hack who’s in search of revenge as a result of he was fired by Trump in 2020.

Berman’s workplace was the lead in a number of excessive profile instances assembled by Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann.

President Trump fired Geoffrey Berman in June 2020 after the US Legal professional for the Southern District of New York refused a request by then-Legal professional Common Invoice Barr to resign.

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Barr had supplied Berman larger positions throughout the Justice Division however Berman declined and as a substitute went public claiming he couldn’t be faraway from workplace till changed by a Senate confirmed presidential nominee as a consequence of his appointment to the place by a federal courtroom.

Berman is now claiming Trump’s Justice Division pressured his workplace to probe the previous president’s political opponents.

Oh, and Berman can be promoting a guide so that is his PR marketing campaign.


Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) despatched US Legal professional Common Merrick Garland a letter Monday night in search of data on stories of “political interference” by Trump and AG Barr.

“U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as we speak despatched a letter to Legal professional Common Garland in search of data on stories of political interference throughout the Trump presidency by then-Legal professional Common Barr and different Trump loyalists. In his letter, Durbin factors to latest claims made by Geoffrey Berman, the previous U.S. Legal professional for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), together with that high-ranking Trump administration appointees pressured the SDNY U.S. Legal professional’s Workplace to prosecute critics of the previous president and defend the previous president and his allies.” – Durbin’s workplace stated in a press launch this week.

“These reported claims point out astonishing and unacceptable deviations from the Division’s mission to pursue neutral justice, which requires that its prosecutorial choices be free from political affect,” Durbin wrote. “In addition they compound the already severe considerations raised by then-Legal professional Common Barr’s 2020 efforts to exchange Mr. Berman with a Trump loyalist.”

Durbin continued, “If correct, Mr. Berman’s claims point out a number of cases of political interference within the Division’s investigative and prosecutorial choices. The Senate Judiciary Committee will examine these episodes.”

In the meantime Joe Biden’s FBI is raiding Trump’s private residence and seizing telephones of Trump’s high advisors.

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