Senator Ted Cruz Calls Out Washington Post Fact-Checker Over China Lab Leak Theory After New Report Indicates it to be True


Senator Ted Cruz has been justified years later after a fact checker for The Washington Post tried to claim the Texas senator was wrong for bringing attention to the China lab leak theory for the origins of COVID-19, which at the time they labeled as a conspiracy until a recent report from the US Department of Energy showed that there is evidence which almost certainly proves that to be more than likely where the pandemic started.

According to The Wall Street Journal who published the report’s findings, the COVID-19 virus did leak from a lab inside of Wuhan, China. It isn’t just the DOE who believes this though, findings from the FBI also show that the lab leak theory is most likely true.

The report stated the conclusion was “significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.”

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Cruz Justified

The story between Cruz and WashPo fact checker Glenn Kessler goes back to 2020 during the pandemic. Cruz at the time called out the paper for covering for China by claiming that the lab leak theory held no grounds.

“WaPo ‘abandoning all pretenses of journalism to produce CCP propaganda’ would be another way to put it,” Cruz tweeted regarding a video presentation Kessler assembled dismissing the theory. “If this reporter submitted this video in a freshman logic class, it wouldn’t receive a passing grade. Let’s review facts.”

Kessler responded, saying “I fear [Cruz] missed the scientific animation in the video that shows how it is virtually impossible for this virus to jump from the lab. Or the many interviews with actual scientists. We deal in facts, and viewers can judge for themselves.”

Well, almost three full years later, after the DOE report was published, Cruz went back to the tweet from way back when, posting “4 🤡’s for Glenn,” essentially calling him a massive clown.

Special Advisor for Communications for Cruz, Steve Guest, also jumped into the conversation, calling it “Kessler’s BIGGEST MISS ever.”

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Now We Know

Other outlets that dismissed the lab leak theory as a conspiracy with no facts have been called out and mocked since the report came out over the weekend.

FOX News Radio host Guy Benson spoke about this on “The Big Sunday Show” and remarked that this should serve as a lesson for those that attempted to silence individuals who believed the lab leak theory to be a valid concept to investigate.

“Over and over again, we hear from the narrative protectors, the establishment in this country, the media and others, the ‘experts,’ that things are misinformation or conspiracy theories, and don’t get me wrong, those things exist… and can poison the discourse,” said Benson.

“But what also poisons the discourse is when you take things that you disagree with, and you label them misinformation or conspiracy theories and then they turn out to be true,” he continued. “Then people aren’t going to listen to you when you actually cry wolf for real… we see it in other areas, too, like Hunter Biden laptop.”

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