Steve Bannon’s Chinese Sugar Daddy Arrested For $1 Billion Fraud


Steve Bannon’s Chinese money man, who also has ties to other Trump figures like Jason Miller, has been arrested in New York on fraud charges.

The AP reported:
A business tycoon long sought by the government of China and known for cultivating ties to Trump administration figures including Steve Bannon was arrested Wednesday in New York on charges that he oversaw a $1 billion fraud conspiracy.

Guo Wengui, 54, and his financier, Kin Ming Je, faced an indictment in federal court in Manhattan charging them with various crimes, including wire, securities and bank fraud. Guo was charged first in court papers under the name Ho Wan Kwok.

Guo was also using a vast social media network to spread COVID misinformation, election fraud lies, and QAnon conspiracies.

Wengui bought his way into Trump’s orbit and spent money on Trump figures like Mike Flynn, Bannon, and Jason Miller.

If it seems like roof is starting to cave in on Trump’s criminal political venture, that’s because it is. There is always shady money ready to flow into sketchy places like Trump world because people like Guo are always looking for access to power.

Steve Bannon is facing his own legal problem including New York state criminal charges for stealing from Trump supporters for his Build The Wall scam.

Guo is a reminder that whatever MAGA accuses Joe Biden of doing is usually what they are doing themselves.

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