Ted Cruz Educates AOC After She Claims Republicans Hate the IRS Because They ‘Target Neo-Nazis’


Ted Cruz fired back at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) after the far-left socialist New York congresswoman claimed Republicans want to abolish the IRS because the IRS targets neo-Nazis.

The social media confrontation began with a three-word tweet by Senator Cruz over the weekend that AOC took umbrage with.

“Abolish the IRS!” he wrote.

Cruz has been an advocate to abolish the IRS for some time, calling for it outright on his campaign site and insisting implementation of a flat tax is the way to go.

AOC responded as you might expect, somehow suggesting the GOP opposes the IRS because they target “neo-Nazi groups.”

“Notice how Republicans are frothing at the mouth to abolish the few enforcement mechanisms that target large-scale tax evasion and neo-Nazi groups,” she replied.

She added, “Tells you a lot!”

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Ted Cruz Slams AOC Over IRS Tweet

And there you have it – AOC, champion of the people, celebrating the expansion of the IRS on the common folk because they’re neo-Nazis … or something?

The Democrat ‘Inflation Reduction Act,’ signed into law by President Biden in August, will increase the department’s budget by $80 billion and hire tens of thousands of IRS agents.

But that’s okay because, ‘ZOMG! Neo-Nazis you guys!!’

Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to AOC’s tweet, scoffing at the suggestion it’s about Nazis and blasting the congresswoman for not denouncing antisemitism and racism in her own party.

Cruz pointed out that Ocasio-Cortez is content with expanding the IRS to target everyday Americans but wants to abolish ICE and defund the police – putting her on the side of criminals.

“Leftists support 87k new IRS agents bc they want power over YOU,” he explained. “Leftists oppose the police & ICE bc they side with criminals & illegal aliens over YOU.”

RELATED: IRS Job Posting Seeks Special Agents Willing To Carry a Firearm, Use Deadly Force

Ted Cruz needs to tread carefully here – a response like that could lead AOC to accuse him of almost murdering her again.

Bloomberg, CNBC, and the Washington Examiner have all reported on the potential hiring of nearly 87,000 employees over a decade with CNBC noting opponents’ concerns that “IRS enforcement may affect everyday Americans.”

Nowhere in that CNBC report does it state the IRS expansion would result in the targeting of neo-Nazi groups, who are targeted already by the FBI

And interestingly, AOC seems to have no problem sending taxpayer money and advanced weapons systems to the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

The left has been advocating for the IRS to eliminate tax exemptions for churches, making them a more likely target with the increased funding and staffing levels.

In June of 2021, the IRS rejected the tax-exempt application for a Christian non-profit group in Texas allegedly in part because their teachings of the Bible and educational efforts are “typically affiliated” with the Republican Party.

The IRS reversed that decision after a significant online backlash.

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