The 2020 Election Results Were “Not Verifiable” and “Not Certifiable”


Steve Bannon invited Joe Hoft on the Warfare Room with Steve Bannon on Sunday morning at Mike Lindell’s Reality Summit to debate his new ebook, The Steal: Volume II – The Impossible Occurs

Bannon was on the Summit in Missouri this weekend and he had the Hoft brothers on.  Jim was on his present on Saturday.

TGP’s Jim Hoft with Steve Bannon at “Moment of Truth” Summit Hosted in Springfield MO

Then on Sunday, Bannon had Joe Hoft on to debate his new ebook, The Steal: Quantity II – The Inconceivable Happens.

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Joe shared the next within the interview:

You can not decide on these items when it’s been tainted and all these items is tainted.  The one answer that might have most likely labored, would have been cease, we have to do over.  These things [the 2020 Election results in multiple states] just isn’t verifiable, it’s not certifiable. And that’s my piece right here.  And also you take a look at each space and it’s that method each single space.

You should buy your copy of The Steal: Quantity II – The Inconceivable Happens here

One reader’s feedback:

Couldn’t put this ebook down, Scary what corruption is occurring, having lived within the center east, our corrupt authorities rivals the worst of them!

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