The Advisory Committee on Racial Equity


ALL AMERICANS ARE HURTING FINANCIALLY. However the Treasury Division plans to prioritize individuals based mostly on the colour of their pores and skin. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen introduced the primary “Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Fairness.”

From the Treasury’s website:

“[T]he Committee will establish, monitor, and overview points of the home financial system which have immediately and not directly resulted in unfavorable situations for communities of colour. The Committee plans to deal with matters together with however not restricted to: monetary inclusion, entry to capital, housing stability, federal provider range, and financial improvement.”

The 25 inaugural members are utterly unqualified as many don’t have any expertise in finance. Former mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter will act as chairman. He was unable to handle his house metropolis, not to mention work for the Treasury. Vice chair Felicia Wong stated they are going to make “racial fairness central to the Treasury Division’s mission.” Wong has sturdy ties to George Soros.

Wong is a part of the liberal megadonor basis, Democracy Alliance. Wong argues that each coverage has “racialized results” and believes capitalism strengthens the patriarchy and white supremacy. Wong, the CEO of the Roosevelt Institute, penned many articles noting her radicalized view of the world with no foundation in economics or logic.

“True fairness means fairness of consequence, and never accepting the promise of ‘alternative’ inside a system that continues to systematically exclude,” Wong wrote. “It demands redistribution of resources—especially when wealth for some has been extracted from many—and a redistribution of decision-making power.”

That is an absolute catastrophe as we’re placing socialists in command of a division of our Treasury. The Roosevelt Institute desires to “reimagine” capitalism and views every little thing as a type of racial inequality. Naturally, the Democrats are appointing this ineffective company as a determined try for votes. Discrimination is now authorized towards the bulk.

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