“This Censorship Industrial Complex is a Growth Industry to the Government” – Rep. Matt Gaetz on Government Funded Censorship of Conservatives


The censorship industrial complex is a growth industry to the US government, says Matt Gaetz and Twitter file journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger.

Yesterday, journalist Matt Taibbi released a Twitter thread that was just devastating.  The Obama Deep State has created a Censorship-Industrial Complex.

In the same thread, Taibbi shared that Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), like the GEC or the Department of Defense funded Newsgard, the fake fact-checker which has spent years harassing The Gateway Pundit, are part of an effort to shut down conservative media.  They do this by publishing fake and false fact-checks and then using these to attack the honest media and share with their advertisers to reduce their income.

US Rep. Matt Gaetz did a superb job of laying this out in his 5-minute rebuttal in the House yesterday.

Gaetz summarized a part of this with the following tweet that included only a small section of his presentation.

The Obama goons hate America and Americans.  They want to change this Godly and blessed nation by destroying the Constitution and the people of America.  Their biggest acts are ending the First Amendment and destroying free and fair elections.

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