This Time, Germans Can Prevent a World War if They Want


“Thanks, USA” – Polish MEP Radek Sikorski deleted his Tweet

Joe Biden’s push for all-out conflict towards Russia has ramped up into overdrive. Are we on the verge of a serious land conflict in Europe? Commentary by Sven von Storch.

The Biden administration’s plans name for Ukraine to assault Russia with heavy weapons quickly.

The gloves are off on either side. Excessive explosives shall be deployed and excessive human casualties anticipated on either side. Russia will reply accordingly.

It’s nonetheless unclear how NATO will react, formally and unofficially. However insiders assume NATO will then enter the conflict. Everybody can think about what the implications shall be for the individuals of Germany and Europe.

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NATO troopers have been assuming strategic positions for a very long time, and never simply on NATO territory. Drones and planes have been flying and taking off from Ramstein AB in Germany for fairly a while, and are actively concerned within the preparations for conflict and extra. The political and navy management in Russia is conscious of this, too.

A conflict like this isn’t a spontaneous resolution. A conflict like this takes a very long time to organize. And the preparations on the a part of the USA seem like nearly full.

On this conflict, President Joe Biden doesn’t care about freedom and democracy. What the Biden administration needs is to eradicate Russia from the world stage as a worldwide participant. It’s the Nice Sport of the 21st Century. What the Biden administration needs is to take care of the place of the USA because the premiere superpower of the world, in any respect prices.

It additionally seeks to completely separate Germany and Europe from Russia. And it’s additionally about making Germany depending on US power, which implies some huge cash for the US firms concerned. This conflict is a enterprise mannequin for buddies of Joe Biden.

Preparations to eradicate Russia as a worldwide participant have been underway since 1996. Angela Merkel already knew it. And Olaf Scholz is aware of it at this time, too. Since then, the US has been waging a hybrid conflict towards Russia to implement regime change in Moscow and acceptable its uncooked supplies, in addition to eradicate Russia as a competitor on the worldwide stage. This hybrid conflict was solely interrupted by the Trump administration, which wished peace and negotiations as a substitute of conflict.

Can Germany cease this conflict?

Germany can cease this conflict by intentionally obstructing the Biden administration’s avenues for conflict, and re-assuming its historic position as a peace dealer by negotiation and the seek for a good, balanced answer.

The Scholz authorities can cease enjoying Biden’s vassal and use its energy as a sovereign state to take away the preconditions in Germany for a US conflict.

Scholz is a weak chancellor. However for the dramatic occasions we’re experiencing, he’s maybe the lesser evil in comparison with the opposite bellicose and exchangeable political cutouts – overseas minister Baerbock, economics minister Habeck, finance minister Lindner, Christian Democrat head Merz or Bavarian governor Söder.

If any one in all them had been chancellor at this time, all hope for peace in Ukraine and for Europe can be misplaced.

If Scholz is unable to muster the energy to face up for peace, it’s time the Germans did so themselves. It’s time for the Germans to take up the banner of peace and line the streets, demanding liberty and peace. Each citizen should arise and be heard, contact their native politicians, mayors, councilors, representatives, ministers and the German chancellor to  request they instantly search peace in Ukraine.

The drive for liberty and peace can solely come from us residents now.

If this doesn’t occur, the Ukraine conflict and the battlefield will come to Western Europe and to Germany. Scholz is aware of that.

That manner, one other world competitor might be solid from the worldwide enjoying area: Germany and Europe.

It’s no coincidence that the Nord Stream 1 and a pair of pipelines had been sabotaged this week. That form of operation takes planning and calculation.

What is occurring at this time is devised and carried out by ruthless individuals, who’re nothing such as you and me. Provided that we residents arise now can we stop the disaster and a land conflict in Europe.

Are you prepared? I’m.


Sven von Storch is head of the Civil Alliance in Berlin.

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