Trump Does Not Look Good In New Video


Video of Donald Trump returning from a round of golf at his club, where he rides in a golf cart, raises questions about his well-being.


Trump was greeted by his adoring fans at Mar-a-Lago telling him how much they love him, but Trump appears to look wiped out, which is concerning because the former president doesn’t believe in exercise and rides from hole to hole in a golf cart.

Donald Trump looks sweaty and exhausted and doesn’t even walk the course.

As the media and Republicans try to make an issue out of President Biden’s age and health, it is reasonable to look at the 2024 Republican frontrunner’s situation. 

Speculating about Trump’s health would be unfair, but the man is nearly 80 years old. It is fair to ask the same questions of Trump that have been asked of Biden.

Can Trump handle the rigors of a presidential campaign?

Biden has released his medical records, including his most recent physical results. The current president also spends much of his weekend time participating in physical activities, and Biden also exercises six days a week.

The video of Trump raises some questions that could all be resolved if all of his medical records were released.

The age question for 2024 should not be a one-way street, and the video of Trump should raise important questions.

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