Trump v DeSantis | Armstrong Economics


QUESTION: I thought you were supporting DeSantis. Are you switching to Trump?


ANSWER: This is not about Trump even as an individual. A lot of people hate him for being arrogant. Put personal issues aside. If we are civilized, we do not condemn a person because we do not like him. All of that is absurd. True, I was asked to meet with Trump to talk him out of running in 2024. They wanted me to meet with DeSantis and the story was he was a better “administrator” my reply was that I preferred that DeSantis stay right here for they would eat him for lunch in DC.

True, I did not think Trump would win in 2024. There were just too many people who drank the cool-aid to get rid of him so they could do precisely what they are doing right now. I am speaking objectively here and NOT in a political endorsement capacity. The headlines going into 2024 will now be all about Trump. Will that drown out any other potential candidates? These are the serious questions we must deal with.

As for all the people who hate Trump and are too blind to look at this objectively, Bragg has crossed the line. This will open the door for Republican prosecutors to do the same to Democrats. This can easily collapse into political civil war at the highest levels.

This has NOTHING to do with Trump as a person. Open your eyes! This was a VERY dangerous move and it made no sense. All of these charges and investigations about Trump are insane. They will never change the minds of those in both camps. The Democrats behind all of this should have left Trump alone. He would have faded into the sunset. Constantly attacking him has been also part of the Democratic strategy to tear down the Republic Party as a whole.

What I do not like is what our computer is projecting. All of this leads to just political chaos. Some believe this is a diversion was created by the Neocons so they can instigate World War III while people are diverted by Trump. All my sources now confirm they have brought their agenda forward.

So while you focus your hatred on Trump, they are coming for everything that has been on the Neocon wish list for decades. The arrays are NOT my personal opinion. That is really irrelevant. I have never been able to beat Socrates. They Arrays will be the Arrays whether or not we like the outcome.

DON’T FORGET – the 2024 Election Will Not Be NORMAL!

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