Trump Wants To Bring Back Firing Squads And Televise Footage Of Executions


Sources close to Trump say that the failed former president wants to kill more people with the federal death penalty, including by using firing squads, and put the footage on television.

Rolling Stone reported:

The former president, if re-elected, is still committed to expanding the use of the federal death penalty and bringing back banned methods of execution, the sources say. He has even, one of the sources recounts, mused about televising footage of executions, including showing condemned prisoners in the final moments of their lives.

Specifically, Trump has talked about bringing back death by firing squad, by hanging, and, according to two of the sources, possibly even by guillotine.

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Trump is looking for an issue that will make him look tougher on crime than Biden, so he has settled on putting criminals in front of a firing squad, filming it, and putting executions on television.


Donald Trump is pulling from the playbook of some of the world’s most ruthless authoritarians. Trump isn’t trying to deter crime. His plan would deter people from criticizing him or his administration.

The Trump campaign denied the story which Rolling Stone had multiple sources for. Given Trump’s execution blood lust, it would be completely in character for Trump to want to kill convicted Americans in grisly ways and put the footage on television.

Trump isn’t hiding it. If he is ever back in the White House, his first move will be to disable democracy and set up an authoritarian regime.

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