UPDATE: Sources Say FBI Agents Colluded To Illegally Intercept Proud Boy Defendant’s Communications With His Attorney – ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE DEMOLISHED! Paper Trail EXPOSES FBI AGENT AND DOJ!


*Guest writer Ashton Richie contributed to this article.

On Wednesday night TGP was told there would be explosive information released at the Proud Boys Trial today in Washington DC.  Now we have new information.

A compromised FBI agent took the stand yesterday at the Proud Boys trial to testify for the prosecution. It was revealed in cross-examination that FBI Agent Nicole Miller had intercepted strategy notes between Defendant Zachary Rehl and his former Defense Attorney, Jonathan Moseley… and clearly intended to continue violating Client-Attorney privileges to aid the prosecution before trial.

When Defense Counsel Nick Smith took the podium to begin his cross-examination, he stunned the courtroom with the shocking revelation.

In a thread between Special FBI agent Miller and another lead FBI Agent on the Proud Boys ‘Sedition’ case, one message to Miller read:

“Found an email thread with REHL and his attorney MOSELEY. The Attorney raised some interesting points…I need to find other emails, but this one email def indicates that they want to go to trial. But don’t freak out Jason and Luke yet.” implied they would share w prosecution!”  -Agent Miller to another agent.

“Jason” refers to Jason McCullough, lead DOJ Prosecutor on the Proud Boys case. REHL is Zachary Rehl, one of the Proud Boys currently on trial for “Seditious Conspiracy”.

Zach Rehl before his unconstitutional pre-trial incarceration. Rehl has never met his two year old daughter, who was born right after he was abducted by the FBI two years ago.


Apparently Miller was illegally intercepting messages between a prisoner and his attorney that were sent on the prison messaging app “Corrlinks” from his jail cell. THIS IS A DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE SIXTH AND FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. The attorney-client privilege is one of the oldest and most respected privileges of being an American citizen.

Not only did the criminal FBI Agent Miller intercept emails, but according to her own text messages with a fellow agent at the FBI she was looking to “FIND OTHER EMAILS”- and her message indicates she intended to share the information with Proud Boy prosecutors! Collusion!

Please do you part and help #FreeTheProudBoys. Donate HERE and help their attorneys beat the DOJ and FBI!

In this Jan. 6, 2021, photo, Proud Boys members Ethan Nordean, left, and Zachary Rehl walk toward the U.S. Capitol in Washington, in support of President Donald Trump.

“When the Feds or any investigative agency determines that the communication is clearly between an attorney and client they should cease to monitor or record that communication and should not utilize any information based on those communications for their own benefit,” said Proud Boy Attorney Steve Metcalf. “They should stop monitoring or listening to that communication. That’s the Constitution. When the Feds exceed those bounds, then they are violating a defendant or individual’s Sixth Amendment Rights. Without question. And then if they use that as part of the prosecution’s case, they are gaining an unfair advantage that is detrimental to a defendant and therefore should be deemed a violation of a defendant Sixth Amendment Rights.”

Proud Boy Attorneys Steven Metcalf (center) and Roger Roots (in hat) and their legal assistant follows behind on the way to court.

According to sources, a brilliant young legal assistant working for attorney Nick Smith found this shocking evidence and Smith was able to use it to dismantle the “star witness” FBI agent in seconds. What was supposed to be a big career moment for FBI Agent Nicole Miller after her obsessive her two-year project to bury the Proud Boys instead backfired in her face.

Help the Proud Boys legal team continue to fight for their freedom HERE.

As soon as Nick Smith called her out on her illegal activity and began exposing the FBI Agent, all hell broke loose in the courtroom. Masked prosecutors started having meltdowns, jumping out of their seats with wild objections after every sentence Smith uttered. Prosecutors demanded sidebars on the court phones and frantically tried to stop Smith’s line of questioning. To be expecting, the Dishonorable Judge Kelly (sadly a Trump appointee) stopped the trial for the day and told the jury to go home early. Witnesses in the courtroom speculate that the judge was protecting the prosecutors from being caught in possible illegal conduct and gave them the evening and night to concoct a crafty way out of their mess. He also saved the witness (the lying FBI Agent Miller) and bought her extra time to regroup and strategize.

The Dishonorable Judge Kelly should dismiss this case after these new revelations.

“Attorney-client privilege is one of the most powerful rights in the 6th Amendment,” said Proud Boy Attorney Roger Roots. “As part of the right to counsel you have a right to have private conversations with a lawyer that are not being listened to by the Government. There is a lot of case law that says if an FBI Agent accidentally finds that they are listening in on attorney-client conversations they are supposed to stop and cease listening(or in this case not read further). In this case they have intercepted actual email between Zach Rehl and his former attorney. Furthermore, they are also supposed to disclose the fact that they had intercepted attorney-client communications to the defense as it is part of discovery evidence and a Brady violation if it is not disclosed. In this case THIS INFORMATION WAS NOT RELAYED TO US.”

Proud Boys Defense Attorney Roger Roots is working on this case for free. Please help these great American lawyers fight for our fellow citizens and donate their GiveSendGo.

(**IMPORTANT! Many of the Proud Boy attorneys are working for reduced rates or for free. You can help with their expensive yet necessary legal expenses- for example court transcripts, legal assistants to help write urgent motions, lodging, defense witness transportation, etc. by donating HERE. Please do you part and help #FreeTheProudBoys. Their attorneys truly need your help as they have more than a moth of trial left.)

Earlier this week the smug Agent Miller sat through direct examination with her two-year project partner and possible co-conspirator, Prosecutor Erik Kenerson. The day revolved around playing for the jury a batch of highly edited videos demonstrating how the Proud Boys and some of their ‘normie’ non-membership friends had the audacity to be in D.C. on January 6th and walk to their Capitol. The defense proved it was the intent of the Proud Boys to march BACK to the Washington monument after helping documentarian turned government witness Nick Quested (who seems to have some very cozy and suspicious ties to Sedition Hunters Networks) secure some footage of their standard marches for his “upcoming documentary” that was coincidentally never made. Instead, much of Quested’s footage quickly found its way into the hands of the DOJ and the January 6th Committee. Persuading Quested to testify against the Proud Boys at the January 6th Committee and at their criminal trial didn’t seem to take much convincing.

This is not the first time the Unspecial Agent Miller has been caught breaking the law and violating her oath of office. Miller also sat with Assistant United States Attorney Erik Kenerson during the interrogation of Proud Boy turncoat Jeremy “Noble Beard” Bertino. Agent Miller LIED to the low IQ Bertino and told him Enrique Tarrio wrote the infamous “1776 Returns” in order to manipulate the former Proud Boy into turning against his brothers and becoming a prized government witness. It turns out the 1776 Returns “war plan” was originally authored by a government official!

Thankfully the jury was present when Agent Miller was exposed, and this will prove she is an unreliable and dishonest witness. It seems to be the culture in the FBI to craft fake narratives to T-up an easy false conviction. This new evidence is consistent with the recent stories from FBI whistleblowers who have outlined a toxic culture in the FBI of frame-jobs and trumped-up charges. The American public is becoming more aware of the thread by which their rights are hanging on a daily basis.

Help the Proud Boys legal team continue to fight for their freedom HERE. If we can save them, that is a win for all of us who fear political persecution.

The Proud Boys march as free men before their persecution by the Biden Regime.

“Special FBI Agent Nicole Miler, Prosecutor Jason McCullough and Prosecutor Erik Kenerson should re-consider the future of their careers and their reputations,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “If they continue to play fast and loose with the rules of evidence and Civil Rights, this case may be the beginning of the end for their careers- and possible jail time.”

Attorneys have alerted us to be in the D.C. courtroom tomorrow for major bombshells. Inside sources say this includes proof of evidence tampering and Confidential Human Source manipulation.

Stay tuned, we will keep you updated from the courtroom today! Sources promise that today is going to be HUGE!

As reported late last night by Jim Hoft:

At 09:00 AM ET on Thursday morning the attorneys for the Proud Boys are going to release damning evidence that exposes illegal activity by the federal government. The attorneys recently discovered this evidence and they are going to release it at 9 AM on Thursday morning. The prosecution accidentally did not delete government files they thought they had erased. The defense attorneys were able to capture these files. Alex Jones told The Gateway Pundit on Wednesday that the evidence includes government operatives spying on attorney-client privilege and erasing evidence. Over 350 files were captured. According to Alex Jones, “They are just over the top huge.”

**IMPORTANT! Many of the Proud Boy attorneys are working for reduced rates or for free. You can help with their expensive yet necessary legal expenses- for example court transcripts, legal assistants to help write urgent motions, lodging, defense witness transportation, etc. by donating HERE. Please do you part and help #FreeTheProudBoys.

Condemned USA will collect the donations. They are a leading legal advocacy group for January 6th cases in the nation and directly working on the Proud Boys case. Currently, they have recruited Attorneys, Research Assistants, and helped find housing and cover expenses for some of the Defense Team of the Proud Boys, and many other J6 cases. When you donate to them, your dollar goes to building individual Fundraising for you fellow citizens, case research, legal defense funds, and more. Condemned USA representatives even takes care of Dry Cleaning for the incarcerated Proud Boys so their suit looks presentable in court and on front of the jury. Please let’s not let cost be a factor when deciding to bring a witness for the defense (the defense must pay for their travel and lodging).


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