WATCH: Classic Clip of Rush Limbaugh Mocking Leftist Virtue Signaling Back in 1993


Conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh had a unique vision that allowed him to remain relevant about many things over the years, even as clips of his old broadcasts fade with time.

A classic video clip circulating of late is a perfect example of that.

The video shows Limbaugh almost 30 years ago lambasting woke virtue-signaling leftists in relatively short order. Well, in 45 seconds to be exact.

The most amazing part of the video is that it remains truly relevant even to this day. It features that classic sense of humor you’ve come to know and love about Rush through his many years as a broadcast legend.

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Rush Limbaugh Slams Woke Virtue Signaling

The 1993 clip shows Limbaugh wearing multiple different colored ribbons and pointing out to his audience that not doing so makes them many things in the eyes of Hollywood and media elites.

“Because I’m wearing these ribbons, I care more than any of you about anything. And these ribbons say so,” he quipped.

After instructing audience members to look down and see that they weren’t wearing any ribbons, he joked that “it means you’re a bigot, it means you’re a racist, it means you’re a sexist, it means you’re a homophobe.

“It probably means you’re a white guy, it probably means you’re a European, and you and you alone are responsible for all the ills of America,” he continued.

“But I’m not, because I’m wearing these ribbons,” Limbaugh declared to the un-woke masses. “I care more than you.”

RELATED: Remembering Rush Limbaugh – A Brave, Conservative Icon Who Shaped American History

We Miss His Sense of Humor

Rush Limbaugh, that same year, raised eyebrows in Hollywood by coming to the defense of actor Billy Crystal, who was one of few at the Academy Awards that year who didn’t wear a red ribbon to show how much he cared about the AIDS epidemic.

The Los Angeles Times reported at the time that Limbaugh had called Crystal “the bravest man in Hollywood” for not feeling ribbon-wearing meant he cared more than others.

Crystal over the years has donated to AIDS research and the Pediatric AIDS Foundation. His actions spoke louder than ribbons.

And it’s funny how even to this day Hollywood celebrities continue to make political statements at their little awards ceremonies as a means to prove they care more about things than you do.

Limbaugh, a conservative icon, radio legend, and conscience of the Republican Party, passed away in February of 2021 at the age of 70, having battled Stage IV lung cancer.

In many ways, he remains the conscience of conservatives, though moderate Republicans at times have abandoned what Limbaugh stood for.

“El Rushbo” began his career as a DJ in Pennsylvania after dropping out of Southeast Missouri State University. His 1988 radio show premier was heard on just a handful of outlets.

Limbaugh would go on to become the consummate voice of the conservative movement in America, having rightfully been inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame and the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

Former President Trump, during his awarding of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Limbaugh, thanked the radio host for his “decades of tireless devotion to our country.”

What are some of your favorite moments from Rush’s time on air? Let us know in the comments below.

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