WATCH: ‘My Son Hunter’ Director Robert Davi Unsure If Hunter Biden Will Ever Be Indicted


Conservative actor and Hollywood star, Robert Davi, recently joined The Political Insider’s Brett Smith to discuss his new film My Son Hunter. The film, of course, follows President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

During their discussion, Smith posed the question as to whether or not he believes Hunter Biden will ever be indicted for any of the potential national security threats that were discovered when his infamous laptop was leaked right before the 2020 presidential election.

“You know, my feeling on that is I don’t know,” said Davi. “The charges that they’re talking about are a gun permit and also a tax thing. Now, face value, those are serious issues, but there’s no mention of the influence peddling with the communist Chinese spy chief, with energy companies in China and the Ukraine. What deals were made? What could have been compromised?”

The potential charges Davi mentioned are in relation to an alleged illegal gun purchase made by Hunter Biden, as well as other potential tax related crimes.


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“He was over there without secret service,” Smith replied. “That’s the other thing that people don’t talk about. He requested the Secret Service not travel with him when he’s hanging out with this head spy chief in China.”

“Who we can’t find now, some of these people are missing,” mentioned Davi.

Why Davi Went Through With My Son Hunter

After years of the mainstream media ignoring the stories surrounding Hunter Biden and his father using their status and influence in order to conduct private business dealings in Ukraine and China, Davi wanted the film to “expose the corruption in the Biden family.”

Additionally, by producing the film with the conservative outlet Breitbart, it allowed the film crew the opportunity to tell a story Davi felt was intentionally being kept from the public, distorted by the media, and intentionally kept down by Big Tech giants such as Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook.

The film, as Davi explained, was as much of an “indictment of the media” as it was a spotlight on the greed of the Biden family who has used the U.S. Government to personally enrich themselves.

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Hunter Might Not Escape Completely

While Hunter may seem to get away with everything, the charges that he is still currently facing don’t seem to just be disappearing.

Adam Goldberg, the special associate counsel to Bill Clinton during his last term, spoke to Business Insider regarding the charges laid against Hunter, saying that Joe Biden is attempting to “walk the line of being a father supporting his son while being the President who must not publicly criticize or challenge the indictment.”

“If Hunter disputes the charges, Biden’s answer to the question about whether he believes his son will need to be supportive while publicly expressing respect for the prosecutors and the court system – not an easy message to craft.”

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