Why the Biden Admin Released Record-Breaking Border Numbers Late Friday Night


At 11pm EST, Customs and Border Security released the September border numbers in a totally transparent attempt to hide just how bad the illegal immigration crisis has gotten.

In almost every tracked data point, we’ve surpassed historical records proving that our southern border is anything but secure.

With the midterms fast approaching and Democrats likely to suffer an embarrassing defeat, it’s no wonder these dismal statistics came in a late Friday night news dump. But, luckily for you, dear reader, we weren’t so easily fooled and have a breakdown for you.

So without further ado, let’s look at how allegedly ‘secure’ our southern border is and what these numbers might mean for our national security.


The border saw its highest September encounters in Department of Homeland Security (DHS) history, with over 227,000.

That brings the Fiscal Year 2022 numbers close to 2.4 million, itself by far a record. To put that into perspective, last Fiscal Year, we had 1.7 million encounters, giving us an annual increase of 37%.

The September numbers were 227,547, up 12% from August. Within that number, 20 were suspected terrorists, bringing the total number of terror watch list members apprehended this Fiscal Year to 98. 

In the five years prior, 26 individuals apprehended at the southern border were on the terror watch list. It’s also important to note that these numbers don’t include known got aways, estimated at 599,000; you have the unknown gotaways, which is a chilling thought in and of itself.

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You all know I love perspective comparisons and now is no different. Last month alone, 227,547 individuals attempted to penetrate our border illegally.

Compare that to the 150,000 Russian military troops who surrounded Ukraine in February. One border is considered secure; one border is considered invaded. 

Uncle Sam Wants You… To Do Chores

If you believe the Biden administration, the border is secure, as Vice President Kamala Harris stated boldly. The issues at the border are such a low threat that the head of the CBP allegedly sleeps through meetings.

That’s right; reports have come out that Chris Magnus, the Chief of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, sometimes misses meetings and even nods off. I get that; I always hated meetings myself.

You won’t catch the Biden administration admitting that what is happening at our porous southern border is a crisis or emergency. They have everything under control.

So much so that they’ve asked for volunteers within the government, including the Department of Defense, who are “willing to serve” to volunteer for 60 days stints at the border. What will these folks be doing, you might ask?

Various activities, including housekeeping and picking up prescription medications for illegal immigrants. Nothing bizarre there, sending government employees from other departments on the taxpayer’s dime to the southern border to act as maids and personal assistants.

Perhaps the most exciting chore these volunteers will also undertake for the government is “shredding paper.” That seems legit and not at all strange. 

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A New Form Of A Chemical Attack

Add to the list of chilling and terrifying aspects of our open border is the exploding Fentanyl crisis in our country. Fentanyl is a potent drug primarily manufactured in China (or by cartels) and smuggled into our country through our southern border. 

Last year the CBP seized 10,500 pounds of Fentanyl; so far, in calendar year 2022, they have taken 12,000 pounds. That is enough to kill the entirety of the United States eight times over. 

Last month alone, the CBP confiscated 2,300 pounds of the lethal drug at the border. In addition, for 2020 and 2021, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) numbers showed that Fentanyl overdoses were the #1 cause of death for Americans aged 18-45. 

Now, you might be thinking that since you don’t live near the southern border or you don’t have family members that take illicit drugs, this crisis doesn’t affect you or the country at large. You’d be wrong.

Last year the life expectancy of U.S. citizens fell to its lowest point since 1996, with 10% of the decrease due to drug overdoses. Think about that for a second; our national life expectancy decreased due largely to drug overdoses.

This past February, the Drug Enforcement Agency said that this Fentanyl surge is leading to an “unprecedented overdose epidemic,” with about 275 Americans dying every day. So if you think China isn’t attacking us on numerous battlefields, think again; this looks like a slow chemical attack.

RELATED: Americans Are Fed Up and Want the Border Wall Completed

This Is Fine; Nothing To See Here

You can always count on White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to toe the party line at the podium. In response to the rumors about Mr. Magnus, she said:

“Under Secretary Mayorkas’ leadership, we’re securing the border, taking thousands of smugglers off the streets, installing new technologies to catch more drugs and traffickers and making historic investments in the Department of Homeland Security.”

Hard to buy that with the numbers reported on Friday. Of those numbers, 70% were single adults coming through our border.

This journey is deadly, with 856 migrants dying this Fiscal Year, and 25 have died since October 1st. Moreover, with nearly 8,000 migrants illegally crossing the border daily, it hardly seems the border is secure.

These numbers, by the way, do not include the unknown gotaways. How much longer and how many more have to die, both Americans and migrants, before this government treats the border as the crisis, it is?

How many more pounds of drugs need to come into our country to murder our American youth before we treat this as a war on our southern border? I guess we will have to wait and see what that magical number is before our government treats this as what it is, an invasion. 

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