Will Ronna Romney McDaniel Outlast a Head of Lettuce After Blowing Another Landslide Election?


In 2020 President Trump exceeded all expectations. The 45th President gained more votes than ANY sitting president in history and collected 12 million more votes than he did in 2016.

President Trump won all of the bellwether counties except one.

President Trump won the three bellwether states: Ohio, Florida and Iowa handily.

Trump’s performance was so exceptional the elites shut down counting in all of the battleground states where he was leading a still unexplained coincidence on election night. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were later dropped into the battleground states overnight. And Democrats then took several days to manufacture and count ballots to “win” the election. Even Pennsylvania where Joe Biden was down nearly 800,000 votes managed to come up with a million votes in the several days following the election to steal the state from President Trump.

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed

** McDaniel did nothing when GOP observers were removed from the ballot counting rooms in the battleground states.
** McDaniel did nothing after Democrats dropped tens of thousands of illegal ballots into the state totals in the early morning following the 2020 election.
** McDaniel did nothing when Democrats continued to deliver hundreds of thousands of mysterious votes into the counting rooms days after the elections.
** McDaniel did nothing to address the illegal ballot drop boxes.
** McDaniel took cash from Trump supporters promising to use it to fight the fraud but there is NO evidence that this ever happened.
** McDaniel and the RNC blew off the January 6 protests and partied at the Ritz on Amelia Island instead.
** And McDaniels has said nothing about the Trump supporters who have been persecuted by their government since January 6.

Last week the Republican Party once again failed to produce in another critical election. Despite the Democrat Party’s disastrous policies and horrific record, they managed to retain the Senate and may end up taking the House of Representatives.  They are still working in California to dethrone the Republican election winners and steal the House.

Where is Ronna McDaniel?

The country is under a Marxist assault by people who are destroying our culture, our economy, our foreign policy, our history, and our way of life.

Where is the GOP? Where is Ronna McDaniel?

Enough is enough.

The Gateway Pundit, a leader in the conservative grassroots movement, is calling on Ronna Romney McDaniel to resign. The future of this nation is too important.

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