With Inflation at 40-Year Highs, 4.5 Million Americans Turn to Second Job


The number one issue in today’s midterms may be the economy.  This is not because it is good, it’s because the Biden economy is terrible. 

Last week the jobs report came out with bizarre numbers.  The report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed an increase in jobs.  But these numbers looked tainted as the measurements overall made no sense.

Now the BLS Is Corrupted – Agency Claims 261,000 New Jobs But Data Shows This Is Fake News

A further review of these numbers today shows that more and more Americans are turning to second jobs to get by in the Biden economy.

TRENDING: MIDTERM ELECTION TODAY! Revenge for the Political Persecution We Endured is at the Ballot Boxes! YOU MUST VOTE and ACTIVATE YOUR RED FRIENDS!

The Daily Mail reports:

More Americans are turning to second jobs as the holidays approach and inflation rates continue to soar, making many pinch pennies.

A new jobs report for October from the Labor Department showed that the percent of Americans working a part-time job on top of their full time job rose six percent from one year ago.

That number equals out to 4.5 million individuals overall.

Americans are watching their 401k’s decrease and their dollars on gas, groceries, and goods shrink.  Inflation this year under Biden reached 40-year highs.

Based on the Biden economy alone, this election should be a monster red wave.  Let’s see what happens.   How much election fraud will the Democrats and the Biden gang get away with?

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