Would-Be Disinformation Board Czar Nina Jankowicz Registers As Foreign Agent


The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board was terminated in August.

The woman tapped to lead the board, Nina Jankowicz, resigned.

She had pushed multiple falsehoods herself about the Steele dossier and about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: TGP Caught Corrupt FBI Inserting Docs during Mar-a-Lago Raid to Make Trump Look Bad – But Now They’re Gone!

On May 18th, Nina Jankowicz resigned from her role in leading the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board.

Nina Jankowicz had previously pushed multiple falsehoods. She claimed that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation and pushed the now debunked Steele Dossier.

This led to the Department of Homeland Security announcing they were pausing the board’s work.

The board has now been officially terminated.

The Department of Homeland Security released a statement confirming this.

Now this: Jankowicz has now registered as a foreign agent.

She registered on behalf of the Centre for Information Resilience. The Centre for Information Resilience is a British group that counters online “disinformation.”

Breitbart reported:

Nina Jankowicz, the would-be “disinformation czar” who was dropped from the Department of Homeland Security after public scrutiny, has now registered officially as a foreign agent, according to government records.

She also advised the British Parliament to set standards for speech on the Internet, telling it that the British government could find ways to suppress undesirable speech, ignoring “freedom of expression and fairy dust.”

She has now registered as a foreign representative under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), on behalf of the Centre for Information Resilience, a British organization devoted to countering disinformation online.

The Centre for Information Resilience announced she was joining on Twitter.

Will Jankowicz apologize for the disinformation she has pushed?

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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