Yikes. New Video Shows Gun-Grabbing Twink David Hogg Enjoying an Afternoon at the GUN Range Shooting Off GUNS


Oh my. Now this adds a new wrinkle to the Hogg story.

New video was published this past weekend of anti-Second Amendment advocate and Democrat mouthpiece David Hogg shooting guns for fun at a gun range.

Hogg has made it his life’s mission to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Democrats believe it will make America safer when only criminals and cartel members have their illegal firearms.

Hogg made it into Harvard, not because of grades but because he as a far left activist.

Pigs Fly: David Hogg Announces His Acceptance at Harvard — After 12 Colleges Reject Him for His Less than Stellar School Record

He seems very stable.

Then this weekend footage surfaced of David Hogg enjoying an afternoon at the gun range.
Oh boy.

Via Catturd2.

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