Obama Films Pennsylvania GOTV Ad Prior to Barnstorming with President Biden


If you are running for the U.S. Senate in a race that is tighter than it should be and suffered a couple of mild setbacks, you are going to want all the gravitas and presence brought by the world’s most popular Democrat, along with the world’s most powerful man (And an extremely popular Democrat). Yes, Fmr. President Obama and President Biden are about to take Pennsylvania by storm on behalf of John Fetterman, who is on the right side of history and his health, despite any word to the contrary. In the run-up to the blazing trail, Obama filmed a GOTV ad:

From Axios: (Continues Below Quote and Video)

Former President Barack Obama cut an ad for Democrats in Pennsylvania ahead of his plans to barnstorm the key battleground state with President Biden in the days before the midterm elections, Axios has learned. Driving the news: In the ad, the former president cites two key issues that Democrats have been hammering on this cycle: the willingness of some Republicans to help overturn elections, and abortion rights. In addition to Pennsylvania, he’s set to campaign in Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin this week.

The fact that a duo with the power of Obama and Biden would take time out of an insane schedule to tour Pennsylvania a week and a half before the election is indicative of the stakes. Fetterman still enjoys a slight lead, but Oz has been cutting into that lead, and the national news seems fixated on a verbal-auditory cognition issue that doesn’t impact Fetterman’s judgment in any way. Fetterman knows what he believes about a woman’s right to choose, Oz does not.

Obama and President Biden know that control of the U.S. Senate depends largely upon what happens in Pennsylvania. It looks increasingly like the entire map will hold, with the exception of a possible Democratic loss in Nevada. It leaves the Democrats in need of picking up a Republican seat to hold the slimmest of leads in the Senate, and Pennsylvania is the most likely pick-up, provided Fetterman can get over the finishing line. The powerful duo will surely bring the message that Pennsylvanians know John Fetterman. They know that if Fetterman believed his judgment was impaired, he wouldn’t be running. Obama and Biden will surely talk about the need for just that kind of judgment in an environment in which the GOP will do all it can to make the country less democratic by the day.

Even if one tosses aside all hope of legislation by conceding a loss in the House (not that this site is conceding the House), the critical nature of holding the U.S. Senate going into the 2024 presidential election cannot be understated. The 2024 presidential election is going to make 2020 look like a run for class president. The MAGAs feel entitled to a win, they feel owed, and many will insist upon “taking it,” if they don’t earn it. At least one house of Congress must be in a position to stand in their way.

As said, the stakes really couldn’t be any higher, and no one knows it better than Obama, President Biden, and John Fetterman. Pennsylvania is about to be lit. Every Pennsylvanian is going to hear of a bright future, provided by a Democratically controlled Senate, with a strong, determined John Fetterman casting those crucial last votes.

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