AOC Slapped With House Ethics Investigation, But Team is ‘Confident’ It’ll Be Dismissed


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the subject of a House Committee on Ethics investigation according to a statement released Wednesday.

The committee revealed very little in the way of details concerning the probe, other than the fact they “plan to extend the matter” regarding AOC. It stems from something that had been transmitted on June 23rd, 2022.

The committee, which has a bipartisan makeup of five Democrats and five Republicans, notes that the mandatory disclosure of the investigation “does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred.”

They plan to announce any potential course of action when the new Congress convenes in January.

RELATED: NY Post: AOC’s ‘Tax The Rich’ Dress Designer Owes A Lot In Taxes

AOC Under Investigation

With very few details being released, it’s difficult to take the ethics investigation seriously other than as a potential response or explanation to whatever matter has been handed to the committee.

A CBS News report from 2017 notes that both the House and Senate ethics committees tend to “work in relative secret,” meaning we might not ever know what is being investigated unless some sort of scandal surfaces.

They also point out that “aside from a verbal reproof,” the committees “have no authority to impose any sort of punishment on the member.”

Nevertheless, it’s notable when a hive of scum and villainy like Congress singles out one of their own for any kind of reprimand.

A statement from AOC’s team indicates they are “confident” that she’ll escape the investigation unscathed.

“The Congresswoman has always taken ethics incredibly seriously, refusing any donations from lobbyists, corporations, or other special interests,” AOC’s spokesperson told Business Insider.

“We are confident that this matter will be dismissed.”

RELATED: AOC Gets Slapped With A Second Ethics Complaint For Her ‘Tax The Rich’ Met Gala Appearance

What is it About?

With very little to go on, speculation online has been that the ethics investigation involves AOC’s 2021 appearance at the Met Gala in a “tax the rich” dress.

Unfortunately, outrageous hypocrisy is not a violation of House Ethics rules.

The New York lawmaker was subject to two ethics complaints filed that year after she sat at a sponsored table during the event, something reportedly valued at up to $300,000.

Ironically, the dress designer was later outed as a tax cheat.

In March of 2019, AOC was hit with an FEC complaint alleging she and her then-chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, illegally funneled nearly $1 million in campaign contributions to privately owned companies, including payments made to her fiance, Riley Roberts.

As one can surmise, the complaint was closed without issue.

AOC at that time complained that opponents were “spamming” her and her campaign with “bogus ethics complaints” in a scheme “so that Fox News can report on ‘alleged,’ untrue scandals.”

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