“Biden Tonight Gave the Speech of a Dictator, In the Style of a Dictator, In the Visual of a Dictator, Using the Words of a Dictator” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden made historical past on Thursday night time and declared struggle on the American folks.

It was a turning level in American politics.

It was the speech of a raging tyrant.

Former Trump aide Stephen Miller delivered an incredible rebuttal to Joe Biden’s historic declaration of struggle on the American folks.

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Miller simply uncovered the tyrant’s speech.

Thank God we nonetheless have males like Stephen Miller on our aspect!

Stephen Miller: President Trump poured out his coronary heart, his soul, his spirit on daily basis to construct a greater America for everybody to construct a safer and extra affluent America. Whereas Democrats and deep state launched an unlawful operation to take him out and it’s now in its sixth 12 months!

President Biden tonight gave the speech of a dictator, within the fashion of a dictator, within the visible of a dictator, utilizing the phrases of a dictator.

This was his enemies of the state speech. And like each different radical, Marxist, tyrant, he accused his opponents of being fascist whereas he engages in oppressive authoritarian conduct.

He’s the one who’s forcing People in opposition to their will to take a vaccine.

He’s the one who has violated our nation’s Structure to open our borders.

He’s the one who’s interfering within the sacred relationship between mum or dad and youngster to attempt to drive harmful drugs, puberty blockers, hormones, on our little children.

He’s the one whose authorities raided the house of his chief political opponent. in a trend that violates your entire constitutional order as a result of President Trump has absolutely the proper to resolve what’s or isn’t within the nationwide safety curiosity when he leaves the White Home.

All of these issues, all of them, are the conduct of a tyrant.

Nobody can examine to Stephen Miller.

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