First House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Interviews Trump Traitor Who’s Interrupted by Code Pink


The first House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was a disgrace for many reasons.  

The first meeting on the CCP in the House was a mess.  It started with the choice for the group’s first speaker, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.  Who decided to bring in McMaster to discuss anything let alone this subject?

President Trump was tricked into picking the former army lieutenant general McMaster after the deep state lied about General Michael Flynn’s call with a Russian Ambassador and had Flynn removed from President Trump’s White House only days after President Trump’s arrival.

The Deep State was after Flynn and needed him out of the White House because he was likely going to uncover the many crimes committed by Obama and Hillary Clinton in the previous Administration.  VP Mike Pence was instrumental in Flynn’s departure.  (Jerome Corsi recently presented a series of articles related to the Deep State’s targeting of General Flynn.)

JEROME CORSI: Obama Went After General Flynn Because He Was a Risk of Indicting Him and Hillary for High Crimes and Misdemeanors (PART 3)

After losing General Flynn someone President Trump trusted must have recommended McMaster.  This recommendation was not a favor, it was a curse.  McMaster was Deep State. 

McMaster was not there to protect the country and President Trump.  He began by firing Trump loyalists in the White House.  Steve Bannon was a casualty at this time.  Obama White House staffers went untouched.

McMaster leaked to the Deep State FBI and got caught leaking to corrupt FBI actor Andrew McCabe.

McMaster was anti-Israel.  The Israelis knew that McMaster was deeply hostile to Israel.  He reportedly gave Obama’s Susan Rice total access to classified information.

Then when he was called out, the corrupt McMaster was backed by far-left corrupt entities and individuals who were appreciative of his corrupt actions in Trump’s White House.

Hmm… Far Left ADL, Media Matters, Van Jones, NBC and CNN Hacks, Top #NeverTrumpers ALL DEFEND HR McMaster

But after all this, the first speaker at the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was H.R. McMaster.  

Then the meeting was interrupted by two code pink protesters.

A raft of protesters attempted to crash the first House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hearing Tuesday evening, accusing the committee of warmongering.

“China is not our enemy… we need cooperation, not competition,” one protester said, holding up a sign and attempting to interrupt opening remarks from former National Security Adviser and Hoover Institution fellow H.R. McMaster. After Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin pointed out to a second demonstrator, who stood after the first was escorted out of the room, that he held his sign reading “Stop Asian hate” upside down, boos echoed across the room apparently directed at the protester.

Videos of the far-left protesters were found on Twitter.  Code Pink aligned itself with communist dictators in the past.  Now they were standing up for China.

Here’s another protester with his sign upside down.  (Most guys in code pink are very feminine.)

This was a terrible start for this committee for many reasons.  Will the committee get around to unveiling the takeover of the US bioweapon research related to China and China’s actions behind COVID?

LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Laboratory Origin of COVID-19 and the Ongoing Cover-Up, China’s Biowarfare Program and China’s Massive Infiltration of U.S. Virus Laboratories

This first meeting was a disgrace. It’s comparable to allowing a few individuals look over thousands of hours of Jan 6 video and not be able to take copies with them when they leave. 


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