Former CIA Director John Brennan Melts Down After Elon Musk Calls on Dr. Fauci to Be Prosecuted


Former CIA director and current MSNBC contributor John Brennan leaped to the defense of Dr. Anthony Fauci after Twitter chief Elon Musk called for his prosecution.

Musk set social media ablaze with his comments. It began with a follower asking when the ‘Twitter Files’ – a series of internal document dumps showing officials at Twitter engaging in rampant censorship of conservatives – was going to tackle COVID information.

“Oh, it is coming bigtime…” Musk tweeted.

The Tesla CEO had also tweeted out a meme of Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, and President Biden with the caption, “Just one more lockdown, my king.”

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Elon Musk Calls For Fauci to be Prosecuted

It was what Elon Musk tweeted next that sent everybody into a collective uproar. 

“My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Musk wrote.

When one individual asked, “Will this be explained in a new Twitter Files part?” Musk replied simply, “Yes.”

Fauci, in a recently published deposition, claimed that he never directly advised the Biden administration or Big Tech corporations to censor anti-lockdown posts.

Yet, he would publicly endorse specific policies and social media companies would obediently silence all views in conflict with those policies.

Fauci had trouble with his memory during the deposition, answering “I don’t recall” or “I don’t know” 174 times when asked about emails, interviews, and other relevant information.

However, not everybody was equally as excited about Fauci being exposed as the fraud he seemingly is.

Enter former CIA spook Brennan, who hailed him as a national treasure worthy of being placed on a pedestal. He seemed to take Musk’s quip as a personal affront.

“Dr. Fauci is a national hero who will be remembered for generations to come for his innate goodness & many contributions to public health,” Brennan claimed.

“Despite your business success, you will be remembered most for fueling public hate & divisions. You may have money, but you have no class.”

RELATED: Elon Musk: Twitter Files Prove Censorship Was ‘Enforced Against the Right But Not Against the Left’

Brennan Comes to Fauci’s Defense

The Twitter chief’s first document dumps involved inarguable proof that the platform deliberately censored the Hunter Biden laptop story as directed by the DNC and President Joe Biden’s campaign.

Brennan, as you may know, worked really, really hard to help suppress that story and carry Biden to victory in 2020. He and 50 other intel officials helped feed a media narrative to the media that Hunter Biden’s laptop was ‘Russian disinformation.’

In a letter signed by Brennan and the intelligence officials just weeks before the election, the authors admitted they “do not know if the emails [on Hunter Biden’s laptop] … are genuine” and that they “do not have evidence of Russian involvement.”

Even so, they said, it has “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

It didn’t. They knew it. They lied anyway to shut it down. Now Brennan and his colleagues have been exposed by Musk.

Brennan’s credibility even prior to all of this had been in shambles.

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2018 that Brennan “has taken credit for launching the Trump investigation” adding he “took the lead on shaping the narrative that Russia was interfering in the election specifically to help Mr. Trump—which quickly evolved into the Trump-collusion narrative.”

We know now that was also a hoax.

RELATED: Unhinged NBC Reporter: Elon Musk Exposing Twitter Censorship Scandal is Actually ‘Suppressing Free Speech’

Brennan Gets Wrecked Immediately

Brennan’s feeble response to Musk calling for Fauci to be prosecuted was met hard with mockery by those who view the lead face of America’s COVID response as a fraud.

“Dr Fauci, just like you, is (a) serial liar and you both belong in prison,” wrote a prominent right-leaning social media account.

Others took a jab (pun intended) at Brennan’s efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden story.

“Your endorsement of Fauci only adds to his negatives,” scoffed conservative columnist Deb Heine.

Claremont Institute Fellow David Reaboi fired back calling Fauci and Brennan “two of America’s most hideous villains.”

As for Musk, he responded to backlash over his other anti-Fauci tweets with a simple observation.

“Truth resonates …” he wrote.

Truth is something you’re not going to find if you’re looking to either Brennan or Fauci for information.

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