Fox’s Jesse Watters Slams Gavin Newsom After CA Governor Accuses Him of ‘Aiding and Abetting’ Paul Pelosi Attack


Fox News personality Jesse Watters slammed Gavin Newsom after the California governor accused him of “aiding and abetting” the Paul Pelosi hammer attack.

During an interview with CBS News on Monday, Newsom feigned ignorance when mentioning Watters – “this one guy, Jesse Watters or something” – and accused the host of “Jesse Watters Primetime” of ‘dehumanizing’ Nancy Pelosi.

“I’ve seen the dehumanization of Nancy Pelosi. I don’t think anyone’s been dehumanized like she has consistently,” said Newsom. “I watched this one guy, Jesse Watters or something on Fox News, and what he’s been saying about Paul Pelosi the last five, six months, mocking him consistently.”

“Don’t tell me that’s not aiding and abetting all of this,” he added. “Of course it is.”

Pelosi, husband of the House Speaker, was the victim of a heinous assault inside his San Francisco home after a man identified as suspected illegal immigrant David DePape broke in by shattering glass using a hammer. 

The assailant now faces charges of assault and attempted kidnapping involving the family of a federal official.

RELATED: Washington Post Links 2010 Campaign Ad Against Nancy Pelosi to Assault on Her Husband

Just Not a Bright Guy

Throughout Gavin Newsom’s commentary on Jesse Watters, the California governor mean-mugged to show his seriousness, his Burma-shave trimmed eyebrows expressing extreme disappointment.

And it would seem the Brylcreem seeped into his brain just long enough to misunderstand the phrase ‘aiding and abetting,’ which in legal terms points to a person who actually helped carry out the crime.

Covering Paul Pelosi’s DUI, in which he was sentenced to five days in jail after attempting to hand over a “police privilege” card during the arrest, isn’t calling for hammer time on the House Speaker’s husband.

Nor is it a call to violence to cover Mr. Pelosi’s sketchy stock purchases allegedly using knowledge of congressional votes.

Newsom attempting to link fair coverage of Pelosi’s indiscretions to the attack are an attempt to silence critics, nothing more or less. Sunlight is bad for Democrats, hence they accuse those providing it of crimes in an effort to shut them up.

It’s desperation.

Watters took a jab in response to Newsom’s comments.

“Gavin Newsom thinks if you mock a Democrat, it puts them on a target list,” he fired back. “We’ve always said, Gavin’s biggest flaw? He’s not very smart.”

RELATED: Nancy Pelosi’s Husband, Paul Pelosi, ‘Violently Assaulted’ in San Francisco Home

Jesse Watters Hammers Gavin Newsom

Fox News host Jesse Watters continued to take Gavin Newsom to the woodshed, pointing out that coverage of Paul Pelosi does not lead to physical assaults.

“The deranged drug addict who talks to fairies and lives on a school bus didn’t watch “Primetime” and head on over to Pelosi’s house with a hammer,” he insisted.

Watters then turned the tables by pointing out Pelosi’s attacker was a homeless illegal immigrant – two things the sanctuary city of San Francisco is overrun with.

“If anything, Gavin Newsom has done more aid and abet this attack on Paul Pelosi than anybody,” Watters said.

“David DePape is a homeless criminal and an illegal alien. DePape overstayed his visa for years. Committed crimes. California is a sanctuary state, so he was never deported.”

“Who is more at fault here, the governor who didn’t deport the deranged drug addict felon who thinks he’s Jesus or the news guy who fairly covered Paul’s DUI case?” Watters asked.

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