Herschel Walker’s Negatives Are Skyrocketing As Raphael Warnock Opens Up 5 Point Lead


A new poll shows Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) with a 5-point lead over a plummeting Herschel Walker.

From the Monmouth University Poll:

Warnock holds a net positive rating of 51% favorable to 43% unfavorable among Georgia voters, while Walker has a net negative rating of 43% favorable to 52% unfavorable. Changes in these ratings since last month have been small and within the poll’s margin of error – i.e., the Democrat’s positive number has increased by 3 points while the Republican’s negative number has gone up by 4 points.

Just under half of Georgia voters say they will either definitely (39%) or probably (10%) vote for Warnock in November and a slightly smaller number will either definitely (33%) or probably (11%) vote for Walker. These numbers also include those who have already cast their ballots in early voting – representing about 1 in 4 potential voters in this election. At the other end of the spectrum, 40% say they will definitely not vote for Warnock and 46% say the same for Walker. The number of voters who give their definite support has increased by 7 points for each candidate since September, while the number who say they definitely would not vote for them has gone down a couple of points for Warnock (from 42% to 40%) and up a few points for Walker (from 43% to 46%).

The Monmouth Poll was taken before the latest allegation that Walker paid for another woman’s abortion, so it may not fully reflect just how high Walker’s negatives have jumped.

The three-point increase in people who said that they definitely would not vote for Herschel Walker is likely part of the fallout from the persistent scandals that have followed the Republican candidate.

It is a mistake to assume that because Republican voters don’t care about Walker’s scandals, it means that all voters don’t care.

Polling has consistently shown that the abortion allegations, domestic violence allegations, secret children, and general trouble surrounding Herschel Walker have hurt him with non-Republican voters.

If Republicans lose in Georgia and Pennsylvania, their odds of taking back the Senate are close to zero. Herschel Walker seems to be fading as a candidate, as a strong close to the campaign by Rev. Warnock could slam the door on Mitch McConnell’s hopes of becoming Senate Majority Leader again.

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