Kamala Harris Compares 9-11 Terrorist Attacks to Jan. 6 Protest at US Capitol (VIDEO)


Elections have penalties. Stolen elections have catastrophic penalties.

In January, Kamala Harris in contrast the Jan. 6 protest in Washington DC to Pearl Harbor and the 11th of September Islamist assaults on America.

What a despicable show.

Kamala Harris: On our calendars however a spot in our collective reminiscence. December 7, 1941, Septamber 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021.

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** 2,335 US army personnel were killed on December 7, 1941.
** 2,977 have been murdered by Islamists on September 11, 2001 assaults.
** 4 Trump supporters have been killed on Jan. 6 – 2 have been killed by police. One was shot lifeless in chilly blood. A police officer died the following day after struggling a stroke on 1-6.

Through Midnight Rider.

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