Kevin McCarthy Does Not Have the Votes for House Speaker


Kevin McCarthy currently does not have enough votes for Speaker.  

This is a very good thing. 

While Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are destroying the country like never before Kevin McCarthy is way too weak to stand up against this destruction of the USA.  This is because McCarthy has never shown strength.  He’s Paul Ryan’s puppet in the House.

Yesterday Congressman Bob Good from Virginia reported that after two years Kevin McCarthy there is no indication that McCarthy will suddenly stand up against the Biden regime.

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Good shared:

Tell me on what basis Steve, if you were looking at the 220 members of Congress based on their merits, their skills, their qualities, their leadership demonstration that you would settle on Kevin McCarthy at the expense of the other 219 or so Republicans.

We need someone who represents the conservative center of the conference.  We need someone who will truly stand up and fight with nerves of steel.  We need someone who will hold every Republican accountable to fight againts the Schumer – Biden agenda.

We didn’t have that in the minority.  There’s no way we’re going to have that in the majority [if it’s McCarthy].  And there are more than enough of us who are resolved not to vote for him that we need to get past a denial of the reality that he’s going to be Speaker.

MUST SEE: Hero Representative Bob Good (R-VA) Argues Against Kevin McCarthy for Speaker (VIDEO)

Rep. Good is right.

Yesterday on Bannon’s War Room, Natalie Winters, Executive Editor, Co-Host for War Room, shared more on McCarthy being the right guy for Speaker of the house at this time in history.

Winters shared:

You not going to actually drain the swamp if the person leading the crusade is, and I’ll call it what it is, controlled opposition.  We have an unprecedented opportunity right now and the appetite to actually have meaningful investigations but if the person leading this charge is someone who really has no backbone, is just weak to the core, you’re not going to see that happen.  So it’s imperative we make sure he [McCarthy] is not a speaker.


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