More on the Corrupt Results in Arizona’s Maricopa County


Maricopa County results make literally no sense unless you consider that they were illegally manipulated. 

TGP reported on the unexplainable results in Maricopa County a couple weeks ago.  The results the County wanted Americans to believe were irrational.

MORE ARIZONA DATA: Only 17% of Maricopa Election Day Voters Were Democrat, Only 23% of Primary Election Day Voters Were Democrat — But Democrats Are Winning 50% of Delayed Election Day Totals? IMPOSSIBLE!

Maricopa County voters are a material amount of the votes in the state.  The statewide results are significantly impacted by the results in Maricopa.   In this past election the state results also made no sense.  It was as if hundreds of thousands of votes were switched from GOP statewide candidates to Democrat candidates.

TRENDING: WATCH LIVE: Maricopa County To Certify Fraudulent Election Results

More Arizona 2022 Election Anomalies – GOP State Mine Instructor Received More Votes than Either Biden or President Trump in 2020

Liz Harrington reported this afternoon on more anomalies with the Maricopa County results from the 2022 election.  

Again, these numbers make no sense.

In 2022, according to Maricopa County:

75.4% of Republicans turned out –– an increase from 2018

68.5% of Democrats turned out –– a decrease from 2018

Independent turnout was slightly down

There are more registered Republicans (1,436,852) than Democrats (1,270,544) in Arizona

Yet…none of the top Republican candidates benefited from this? 🤔

There were more Republicans voting in this election and less Democrats and yet the Republicans didn’t benefit from the turnout.  We call BS. 

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