Mr. President: We Need a Champion Again, Not Trading Cards


Mr. President, 

I am a long-time supporter. Through thick and thin. As I’m sure you’re aware, many of us have taken lumps for our support. Lost friends, even family members over it. 

I was there during the Great Meme Wars. I even left a politico gig because the firm insisted on backing Cryin’ Ted during the 2016 primary season. 

Because, for only the second time in my life, I had a candidate to vote for. (The first time was the great Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012.)

So understand, (and that goes for you too, fellow Trump supporters) we need our champion again. 

We don’t need trading cards. 

Here’s what the crooks have saddled our country with: 

  • Blank checks to a corrupt klepto regime for a totally needless proxy war that has the potential to end all life on earth
    • How much of that money has gone to real-life Bandera-worshipping, Sonnenrad-tattooed Neo-Nazis?
  • Months of lost wages thanks to inflation
  • Millions of illegal immigrants pouring over the border
  • A criminal Congress that passes multi-thousand-page bills that no one reads
  • For reasons I still can’t figure out, adults insisting on putting “drag queens” in front of toddlers (Just kidding, I know why)
  • Middle-class manufacturing jobs going overseas
  • Preposterous “green” boondoggles and painful energy prices
  • A GOP that works for Democrats, instead of Republican voters or the American people
  • Seemingly endless spending on the crooked military industrial complex
  • Americans are still in Syria
  • Children learning to hate themselves and their country, instead of basic math and reading
  • Constant attacks on our Second Amendment rights
  • Rampant censorship
  • A news media that works for Langley instead of the American people

And that’s just off the top of my head. 

In order to fix any of these things, we need someone from outside the system. Someone too big to be messed with. Someone who doesn’t care about their games. 

That person is you, Mr. President. 

What the country and the people need is a Champion. All those things you brought up and fought for in 2016 – that’s what we need. 

We don’t need constant neocon wars all over the globe. We need someone who puts America First. 

Someone who takes up for the Forgotten Man. There’s a reason he’s the Forgotten Man: nobody cares about him. Nobody even talks about his challenges or needs. 

But you did, once. A billionaire business magnate who could have enjoyed his billionaire life, instead you put the Forgotten Man on your shoulders and took all the fire of the entire corrupt system on yourself – for him. 

That’s the Champion we need. Of course, this is still an ostensibly free country. The choice is yours to make. 

But know that there are tens of millions of us who really, truly, need an actual Superman to turn the ship around. 

Not one on a trading card, but a real one, in the flesh. 

Make America Great Again,

The Forgotten Man

This guest contribution is the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by The Political Insider. 

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