The 1/6 Committee Has Smashed Trump’s Wall Of Obstruction


“We’re undoubtedly profiting from the truth that most senior-level folks in Washington rely upon a variety of younger associates and subordinates to get something completed,” mentioned Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a member of the choose committee. “A number of these folks nonetheless have their ethics intact and don’t wish to squander the remainder of their careers for different folks’s errors and corruption.”

The 1/6 Committee has gotten testimony from aides for Pence, Bannon, Clark, and Meadows, amongst others, so even when the aides closest to Trump refuse to cooperate, their aides are telling the 1/6 Committee what they should know.

The 1/6 Committee has completed one thing that different committees didn’t do when investigating Trump. They’ve gotten previous the obstruction of Donald Trump by talking to other people who were in the room for meetings and calls.

With out the flexibility to make use of government privilege, Trump can’t cease folks from testifying, and that signifies that the committee doesn’t want the large names as a result of they’ve obtained the staffers who have been working for these doing Trump’s bidding.

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