Trump 3.0 Flops As Donors Warn Elected Officials Not To Endorse Him


Republican donors are already playing hardball against Trump as they are warning elected officials not to endorse the former president.

The Washington Post reported:

Some of the party’s top donors are also maintaining a wait-and-see approach, not ready to coalesce around a single challenger — what many believe ultimately may be the top strategy to defeat Trump — but not wanting Trump to clear the field either, according to people in touch with the contributors.

One Republican operative with ties to donors said many are deterring some Republican elected officials from immediately endorsing Trump by making clear it could cost them financial support for future bids for higher office or leadership positions.

There is a huge difference between wait and see and do it and die. It sounds like donors are warning elected officials that if they endorse Trump, their political careers might be over.

Top Republicans also avoided Trump’s announcement in droves. It is hard to imagine that Republicans would have given Trump the cold shoulder if he would have led the to a red wave in the midterm.

Republicans aren’t going to be able to pretend like Trump doesn’t exist and hope that he goes away.

If Republicans can’t get the base away from Trump, all of this posturing won’t matter, and Trump will be the 2024 nominee.

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