What’s Up with John Fetterman’s New Face? And What Happened to the Glassy Blank Stare?


As Kristinn Taylor reported earlier at The Gateway Pundit – No one has seen any video of Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), 53, speaking or moving since he was admitted to the psych ward at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland on February 15, allegedly for treatment of severe clinical depression. Since then, Fetterman’s staff and wife Gisele have only released a handful of staged photos that show he is alive and at least somewhat cognizant. No one except for his wife and a few of his senior staff members claim to have spoken with Fetterman, but they have not provided proof.

Then earlier today The Fetterman team released photos of the new and improved John Fetterman.

John looks well, healthy and happy.

Now compare that face to an earlier John Fetterman from last year during the campaign when he could not form a sentence.

Team Fetterman also released this photo earlier today.

As George Papadopoulos tweeted, “Who is that with Fetterman’s wife?”

She sure looks excited. Those vacations away from her suffering husband must have been energizing.

So do you notice any difference?

What happened to the glassy, blank stare?

Evidently, John had his ears pinned back during his treatment for depression? Weird, huh?

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