WOW! Here is the Deranged Lunatic Who Led the Trump Georgia Grand Jury (VIDEO)


Here is the lunatic who led the Georgia grand jury investigation into President Trump and his perfectly normal phone call he made to Georgia officials after the 2020 election.

Grand Jury Forperson Emily Kohrs: “Personally… I wanted to hear from the former president. But honestly, I kind of wanted to subpoena the former president, because I got to swear everybody in. And so I thought it’d be really cool to get 60 seconds with President Trump of me looking at him and being like, do you solemnly swear? And me getting to swear him in, I just, I kind of thought that would be an awesome moment.”

What a clown show. She acts like she’s 14.

She went on MSNBC.

Via Daniel Bostic.


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