President Trump Unloads On RINO Karl Rove


President Trump unloaded on RINO Karl Rove in a Truth Social Post on Tuesday.

Trump said Rove is constantly on Fox News and in the Wall Street Journal saying how things should be done despite the fact he is “a man with a losing record the likes of which few political operatives would be able to get away with.”

Truth Social:

RINO Karl Rove, a man with a losing record the likes of which few political operatives would be able to get away with, including his loss to me in 2016, fights so hard and so stupidly, but is constantly on Fox News and the once great Wall Street Journal, explaining how things should be done – and he doesn’t have a clue. People can’t stand him, a clone of even more unpopular Paul Ryan, who sadly runs Fox News, now on a very bad path. Rove is a DINIER of DINIERS, which makes him a fool. WATCH!

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Rove has a history of backing RINOs over strong conservative candidates.

He held a fundraiser for RINO Adam Kinzinger.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Karl Rove will hold a bigtime virtual fundraiser on March 31 for vocal Trump-hater Adam Kinzinger.

Top GOP donors from Illinois are expected to attend this fundraiser.

Adam Kinzinger, the poor man’s Mitt Romney, is one of the most vocal Trump-haters in the US Congress.
Kinzinger gladly voted to impeach President Trump in January along with 9 other Republican lawmakers.

A SuperPAC he is linked to sent out an ad supportive of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro — claiming he wasn’t as radical as the senate candidate John Fetterman.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

This brings us to the latest ad released by American Crossroads PAC, an organization linked to Karl Rove and the Bushes.

The new ad is an attack on Pennsylvania senate candidate John Fetterman. But the ad also props up Democrat gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro.

Shapiro is running against Trump-endorsed candidate Doug Mastriano.

Time for the GOP to stop listening to RINOs like Karl Rove. 

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